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April 20, 2011


Lulu reminds me of the actress Liv Tyler in the movie Lord of the Rings. They're both very beautiful. The effects used in the photos made it seem as if they were shot in the medieval period. By the way, she will still look cute even if she gets braces. =)

MAN your girl is pretty! I LOVE her outfit.
I found you blog via Pinterest... a little Christmas tree...

The last photo is lovely - are those real bird's eggs? Your composition and color contrasts also work miracles for the photo. As for Lulu, well, getting braces does feel like entering a new phase in life. But I bet she'll be more excited when she gets them off!

Hi Lorraine, what incredibly beautiful photos of Lulu! She is so precious !!! I am spending a few days away with my Lulu and we are having such fun being girls together! have a wonderful week!

Your photos are so awesome and she is soo beautiful. Thanks for inspiring us.
Tammie Moore

Oh sweet Lorraine, it is ALWAYS A PLEASURE TO SEE YOU COME VISIT ME!!! Your words are balm to my soul. Really, they are. The weekend was splendid, but the work week is filled with demands that just want to eat away at my joy. Being a teacher these days with budget cuts, I am grateful for a job. But more is required and sometimes the only thing I can do is laugh and do my best....it is wonderful to have an outlet such as writing and blogging to help shape my mind!!!! HOW ARE YOU? I so love this post...your photos are so stunning my friend. Love to you, Anita

Lorraine, your photos
always inspire me so much.
Do you use your textures
in PhotoShop and if so,
which version? Your
LuLu is as beautiful as
you are...Those lashes--
Wow! And Ally is also
very talented....Need to
check her link. Happy
Monday, sweet friend!
xx Suzanne
PS: When my son got
braces, he didn't miss a
beat! So funny how all
the kids choose wild color
brackets, too : )

Dear Lorraine,

I adore the sweet photos of your gorgeous Lulu.
I love the use of texture and looks like she is right here in the room.

Hope that you and your family are having a beautiful Easter

These photos are more than beautiful. My girl suffered through surgery and braces but has a beautiful $5,000 smile to this day! It was worth it! xo, Cheryl

These are beautiful. Each is unique in the processing.

she is beautiful :)

Wow Lorraine ... first of all, what a beautiful daughter you have!!!! Secondly, that outfit is to die for! The skirt! The sweater! Soooo precious! My 15 year old JUST got her braces on a few months ago, so she was super excited too! She had been asking for them for about 3 years! It's a thrilling thing. ;)

Happy Easter!

These took my breath away Lorraine! Stunning protraits of an even more stunning subject!! I love your use of the textures.
So beautiful.

It has been so cold here lately and sooo windy! I do hope you are having it better!
I am a fair weather gardener :) so I've only worked out in the gardens one day so far.
sending hugs...

Lovely photos! My 14 year old is getting her braces off in a couple of months and we are all sooo excited to be done with them...nuts, carmel...etc can be back on the menu.

Not only are the textures lovely on that first shot, so is the composition...well done! Such a beautiful image.

And thank you for your kind words at my place. =)

How lovely, especially the nest and eggs with Lulu's hands

She is so beautiful...as are your photos.

Ohhh your photos are so beautiful. The textures look wonderful too. I tried out to do something with those textures too, but it just wasn't working for me.

Lorraine, when did Mad grow up?! She is such a beautiful young lady. Wonderful pictures Lorraine, you are getting really good at it. I sure miss you! Take care, I love you.

Oh, I think Lulu should be a model. Love the clothes.

All I can say is WOW! It's like I was transported to someplace magical. Those shots are just plain beautiful and the texture really enhances an already stunning set of shots.

I love it that you are using textures now. Too fun. Beautiful images too that you took. Just lovely my friend.

oh my goodness what an absolute beauty and what marvellous photos treasures to keep

Lorraine, what a beautiful grouping of images. Charming with an old fashion feel. You daughter is gorgeous, as are your images!

she is soooo beautiful.....and so are your portraits!!

Oh Lorraine, how kind of you to come by and visit with me!!!!! THANK YOU. My friends are so precious to me, and you all make me so happy with your posts and kindness. That is what lasts a lifetime. Enjoy your spring dearest, Anita

Hi Lorraine...I just now have the time to stop by and I want you to know your images are breathtaking ~ absolutely breathtaking! Have a beautiful evening :-)


These photos are all beautiful. But I think it must be near impossible to take a bad picture of such a beautiful girl. Those eyelashes! I love her dress also.

Oh my friend..your daughter is stunning! My daughter got braces at 13 and was so excited too...I hope her mouth isn't too sore the first few days..but it does get better. Hugs. xoxo

She is so beautiful. All those ruffles enveloping her is pure magic. Your texturing is perfect to me! I hated braces and I suffered TMJ for 20 yrs. due to the headgear...so no I do not understand her excitement!

i heart you! and these images ....STOP me in my tracks.... truly breathtaking!! sigh of deep love...

thank you for linking up with Texture Tuesday....xxo, kim

These are ALL so beautiful!!! I can't decide which is my favorite.
Great work!

You are surrounded with the gift of beauty! Your photos are stunning, you have an amazing talent for composing and capturing breath taking photograpghs. I remember, long long ago, the excitement of the anticipation of getting braces. I also wanted eye glasses, which thankfully I never needed and hopefully won't need in the near future.
Enjoy your lovely family and the blessings of springtime!

I think all your shot from Lulu are like from fashion catalog they are really beautiful and I love Lulu's clothes:)

Oh, Lorraine, these are just overwhelming.
The beauty is just indescribeable. Have a wonderful day. I love your page and all your work is amazing. I so enjoy being astounded....

Oh Lorraine, these are wonderful! I wish I had the time to do this, but maybe on my summer vacation! EVERYTHING IS WONDERFUL! How are you dearest? Enjoy your day, Anita

This is SO beautiful! :-)

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